If you’ve ever owned a dog, then you know just how adorable they can be. They’re lovable little creatures with big personalities and an even bigger love for humans. However, if you’re like most people who own dogs, it’s likely that you find their small size to be less than endearing at times. After all, there are few things cuter than watching your tiny puppy run around the house or chase after a ball. But when that same puppy continues to remain that small for months on end, it can become frustrating rather quickly. That’s because after reaching a certain point in their growth cycle—typically between 9 and 12 months old—most dogs stop growing and remain at a static size from there on out. So when exactly do dogs stop growing? Keep reading to learn more!

When Do Dogs Grow?

Dogs grow steadily during the first two years of their lives. During this time, they’ll go through a couple of periods of rapid growth and reach a peak adult size after about nine months. Dogs continue to grow right through the time that they become fully sexually mature, which can occur anywhere between six and 18 months, depending on the breed. They’ll then maintain that size until they reach the end of their lives. The rate at which a dog will grow during these first couple of years varies depending on a few factors. Breed, gender, and nutrition play major roles in determining how quickly a puppy grows. Between the ages of four and five months, most puppies will have reached around 80% of their adult size.

How Big Do Dogs Get?

The size that any given dog will grow to during their lifetime depends primarily on the breed of dog. While there are larger and smaller varieties of just about every breed, the breed standard for a given dog will indicate the size category that the dog will fall into. Obviously, there are always exceptions, but most dogs will fall into one of the following size categories. Toy breeds are defined as those that grow to a maximum weight of less than 12 pounds. Small breeds weigh between 12 and 25 pounds. Medium breeds will grow to weigh between 26 and 50 pounds. Large breeds will grow to weigh more than 50 pounds.

Why Do Most Dogs Stop Growing?

Most dogs will stop growing when they reach sexual maturity, which occurs anywhere between six and 18 months, depending on the breed of dog. When a puppy reaches sexual maturity, their bodies will switch from breaking down and rebuilding tissues to maintain growth to a process of preserving and maintaining their current size. From that point on, their bodies will use any excess nutrients for tissue repair or regeneration, rather than for building new tissue. Because of this, it’s important to make sure that your dog is receiving the proper amount of nutrition to support their daily activity levels. This means paying attention to their food requirements when they are young and maintaining that same level of nutrition as they get older.

What Is The Adult Size of a Dog?

On average, most dogs will be fully grown and at their adult size by nine months of age. This means that, on average, dogs will stop growing after this point in their life. However, it’s important to note that there is a great degree of variance in this average. Some dogs will hit their adult size earlier while others will continue growing until they’re well over a year old. There are a couple of factors that can affect when dogs hit their adult size. The first is the breed of dog. Some breeds will grow to their full adult size earlier than others. The second factor is the amount of nutrition the dog receives. A dog that isn’t getting enough to eat or is being fed a lower-quality diet may take longer to hit their full adult size.

When Do Puppies Stop Growing?

Just as with adults, the exact time when puppies will stop growing will vary depending on their breed. However, it will also depend on how large the puppy is when they reach sexual maturity. Dog breeds that reach sexual maturity later in life often have puppies that continue growing for longer than breeds that reach sexual maturity earlier. Because puppies grow at such a rapid pace, they require a greater amount of nutrition than adult dogs. As such, they may still require more nutrients than an adult dog even though they have stopped growing.

Bottom line

Dogs are adorable little creatures, and it’s easy to forget that they’re actually fully mature adults who’ve been around for thousands of years. As such, it’s important to take care of them throughout their entire lives. This means making sure that they’re getting the proper amount of nutrition and exercise as puppies, teens, and adults. If you’re concerned that your dog isn’t growing at the pace that you’d like them to be, then it’s important to speak with a veterinarian. They can examine your dog and determine if there is a physiological reason for their lack of growth. From there, they can help you to work towards a solution!